YOUR PROJECT provides a clear value proposition, but YOU’re not sure which regulations are applicable?

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YOUR BUSINESS goes beyond one country and YOU are wondering how it will affect tax issues?
How to communicate YOUR TOKEN so that it can successfully be listed on CEXes, does not create a tax obligation on its distribution and is compliant with the law?
YOU are in the middle of a fundraising where, in addition to tokens, the investor wants to get equity?
SAFTS, SAFEs, Token Warrants are coming up, and YOU don’t know how to secure the founders and tokenomies?
YOU’ve heard about „MiCA” and other regulations that may require YOU to get a license, but don’t know how it applies to YOUR PROJECT?
What is the best jurisdiction for YOUR PROJECT?
How to create a “legit DAO” or structure a BRIDGE correctly?
The list of questions goes on, and if we were to guess, you’d rather have
someone taking care of it for you, right?

That’s awesome! Here we are

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and partners!

Together we redefine the framework of modern business, introduce new and intuitive services, democratize access to digital values – together we turn the impossible into possible!